So why not be flamboyant? Like with these pickle bandages from my alter ego website, Perpetual Kid. They're $4 for a tin of 15.
Now if you could get ham, swiss and rye bandages to go with them, you'd have lunch.
thoughts on food, cooking, and ingredients as well as random oddball food-related (or not) things that catch my fancy
So, this is not really an active blog any more. Every once in awhile I get inspired to come and rant or share, but it's pretty infrequent. Honestly, there are just too many Insta/TikTok/influencers in this world. It makes my head hurt.
BUT I had a lot of fun putting this together for 5-ish years, and you should definitely have a poke around. My personal favorites are the post on measuring citrus zest and the connection between Napoleon and bees (and cicadas and houseflies).
Well I have a box of cute Toast Bandages from a company called Accoutrements in Seattle. In the box was a free toy, a little 1-inch plastic businessman figurine in a white shirt an tie. I wonder what the gift has to do with toast. Maybe a reflection on the poor guys job status?