The ship--named Thor after the Norse god of thunder--was built in the Netherlands by an American-born stuntman, Robert McDonald, with the help of his son and over 5,000 kids. He has sailed the ship locally in Europe, but he has plans to retrace the original (supposed) route the Vikings took to get to North America. The trip would eventually land him in Key West, Florida.
McDonald has spent his life proving that you can do anything you put your mind to. As a child, he was badly injured in a gas explosion (which killed his entire family) and was told that he would never regain the use of his right arm. He proved the doctors wrong and then went on to make a career of doing impossible things...like building a Viking ship out of 15 million popsicle sticks.
As McDonald puts it: "I'm out to show that I'm not disabled, look what I've done, look what we have done, look what the kids can do. It's not only a ship of ice-cream sticks, it's also the world's largest recycled object."
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